Monday, February 25, 2008


After I posted the article “Bill Clinton, Cheney, Pak Lah and Hadi Awang Fall Asleep”, Abang Mat from has named me in relation as pro-government, so I feel I need to response to the comment.

First of all, I would like to preface is by emphasizing that the popular a sleeping issue in the cyber blog sphere seems to be unfair play by bloggers. Evidently, there are some people who do not much like him. The same could be said of myself or indeed of anyone who blogs much. I am certainly not out to target anybody while blogging but to seek the Truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth.

Ironically, Pak Lah does fall asleep, so do Hadi Awang, the former USA President Bill Clinton, Vice President Dick Cheney and many others. So while blogging, why should targeted at a person only? Expressing such an opinion is nothing wrong but may be distasteful to some and vehemently argued by others, but definitely, having a negative opinion of a public figure is neither an offense nor an expression of the misogyny.

The truth, The Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth behind the blogs which post the asleep picture of the sole public figure Pak Lah, is clearly shown there was a deliberate personal verbal attacks which attempt to rope him into the kind of leadership crisis and by far the character assassination. In politics, it is perhaps one of the most common and effective strategy.

By the way, character assassination is defined as an intentional attempt to influence the portrayal or reputation of a particular person. By its nature, it involves deliberate exaggeration or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person that result the image damages.

Please note the complex nature of blogging, whether you buy into the culturally biased, conspiracies, cover-up, mass-media induced viewpoints, unconscious agenda setting or you think on your own; there is one ultimate truth that no one can dispute but to accept, that is the undeniable, evidence-based reality.


  1. agree, why should blogger use the strategy of character assassination?
    It clearly show that the mentality still not reach 1st class. Goblog....goblog, i don't like it but it seems like it, look like it or may be it is.

  2. alamak, semua pemimpin tidur. ulamak tidur, pemimpin islam hadhari pun terlena, ha, ha, saya bukan tidur tetapi terfikir..........fikir nak kahwin satu lagi,,,,,,,,,,

  3. yeh, it a good thing to take a rest.
    in order to go further, work harder
