Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Samsung Galaxy - the ironic milestone of the East

After seven months dominating the market, the Samsung Galaxy SIII is still the UK’s most popular phone. The scenario had shown the global outstanding performance of the flagship company from South Korea.

The ironic milestone indicates the Korean’s rise and the breakthrough of the western-dominated technology. Although it’s still too early to conclude the irresistible end of the western monopoly advance technology, but it indicated the arrival of the new era.

Ironically, Korea is nowhere near closing its technology with American company, but Samsung’s rise will ultimately emerge as one the world’s predominant player.

The relatively low affordable price and heavy advertisement marketing strategy has kept Samsung at the top of the of UK smartphones.

It’s been reported that despite a marketing blitz, Apple’s iPhone 5 cannot compete with Samsung’s flagship smartphone — or with its own iPhone 4S.

Using data gathered through live searches, pre-orders and monthly sales, the uSwitch.com mobile tracker produces a monthly top 10 of UK smart phones in terms of sales, not shipments.

Its latest results, published this week, reveal that after seven months, the Samsung Galaxy SIII is still the UK’s most popular phone and that after only one month; the iPhone 5 has fallen from second place in the charts to third, overtaken by the iPhone 4S, the handset it was meant to replace.

As well as bad news for Apple, the chart also brings good news for Google. Its LG Nexus 4 handset has gone straight in as the fifth most popular phone in the country after its November roll-out.

However, it’s Samsung that dominates the charts, holding five of the top 10 positions including seventh place for its phablet, the Galaxy Note II, which is meant to be a niche device.

Of the iPhone 4S claiming second place, ahead of its replacement, Ernest Doku, telecoms expert at uSwitch.com, put the handset’s popularity down to the fact that, now that it has been usurped as Apple’s flagship device, UK network operators are offering it as a free smartphone on competitively priced monthly contracts.

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