Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Profile: IRIM's President

A profile of IRIM's President Dato’ Prof. Dr. Abd. Rahman Bin Abd. Rahim

         Dato’ Prof. Dr. Abd. Rahman Bin Abd. Rahim

Current Position : Director-General of Forestry, Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM),  Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (NRE), Jalan Sultan Salahuddin, 50660 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Telephone        :    +603-26164488/26164400/26164405
Fax. No             :    +603-26925657
E-mail               :
Academic Qualification 
i.  B.Sc (Forestry), Agriculture University of Malaysia (1981).
ii.  M.Sc (Operational Research of Forestry),  Agriculture University of Malaysia (1989)
iii.  Ph.D. (Operational Research in Forestry), Aberdeen, Scotland, UK. (1998).

Professional Membership Bodies : Member of the Institute of Foresters Malaysia (IRIM)

Working Experiences:  
He started his forestry carrier as early as in 1981. Since then, he has served in many capacities in the Forestry Department of Peninsular Malaysia (FDPM) as follows: 
   -State Silviculturist of SFD Negeri Sembilan &
    Melaka (1981-1984)
-Forestry Planning Officer (1985-1997).
-Senior Silviculturist, Silviculture Unit, FDPM (1997-1998).
-Deputy-Director of State Forestry Department, NS&M (1999-2001).
-Deputy-Director of Forest Plantation Unit, FDPM (2001-2004).
-Director of Forest Plantation Unit, FDPM (2004-2006).
-State Director of  Forestry, Johor (2006-2008).
-Deputy Director-General of Forestry,FDPM
     (Planning and Development) (June 2008  
     -June 2009)
-Deputy Director-General of Forestry, FDPM
     (Policy and Planning) (June 2009-October
-Director-General of Forestry, FDPM (October 2011-now)

International Involvements  :                        
i.  Chairman/Member of “International Forest Resource Group (IFRG), Forestry   Department of  Peninsular Malaysia  (FDPM)  (2006 to current) 
ii.    Member of Malaysian Delegation to “UNFF-3 (Third United Nations Forum on Forest)” di Geneva, Switzerland  (2003). 
iii. Member of Malaysian Delegation and Expert Panel to “Planted Forest of UNFF (United Nations Forum on Forest)”,Wellington, New Zealand (2002). 
iv.    Member of Malaysian Delegation and Expert Panel to  “FLR (Forest Landscape Restoration), IUCN (International Union Conservation on Nature” , San Jose, Costa Rica, South America (2001)
v. Member of Malaysian Delegation and Expert Panel to  “SBSTA (Subsidiary Body to Scientific Technical Assistance) of UNFCCC (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)”, Lyon, France.  (2001). 
vi.  Member of Malaysian Delegation and Expert Panel to “Seventh Convention of Parties of Concention on Biological Diversity (COP-7 of CBD) (2004). 
vii.        Expert Panel to  “International Tropical Timber Organization’s (ITTO’s) Expert Panel for Project/Pre-project Appraisal and  Evaluation, Yokohama, Japan (1998). 
viii.   Chairman of Expert Panel to  “International Tropical Timber Organization’s (ITTO’s) Expert Panel for Project/Pre-project Appraisal and  Evaluation, Yokohama, Japan  (1999-2000). 
ix.      National Focal Point for  “Forest Invasive Species  of Asia-Pacific Forestry Commission” under FAO (Food Agriculture Organization) Asia-Pacific. (2004-2006)
x.     Member of Malaysian Delegation and Expert Panel to Workshop on the “Impact of Incentives on Forest Plantation Development” anjuran FAO (Food Agriculture Organization)  for Asia-Pacific Region, Hanoi, Vietnam (2004). 
 xi.    Expert Panel on “International Tropical Timber Organization’s (ITTO’s) Criteria and Indicators for Sustainable Forest Development”, Bern, Switzerland (2004).
xii.      Member of Malaysian Delegation and Expert Panel to  Meeting of  “Establishment and Operationalization of An ASEAN Emergency Response and Planning Institute for Environmental Disasters”, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (2004). 
xiii.       Member of Malaysian Delegation to the  “UN Climate Change Talk” Accra, Ghana (2008). 
xiv.      Member of Malaysian Delegation to “The 18th Meeting of the Plant Committee under CITES (PC18)”, 17 – 21 Mac 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 
xv.       Member of Malaysian Delegation to “ASEAN Forestry related Meetings – 4th ASEAN-WEN Meeting; 5th ASEAN-IFPP Meeting and 1st ASEAN Caucus on UNFF”, 6 – 10 April 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
xvi.      Member of Malaysian Delegation to  “Technical Expert Group Meeting on Tropical Rain Forests (F-11)”, 26-27 Mei 2009, Bali, Indonesia. 
vii      Resource Person” (Malaysia) to  “7th Pacific regional Wood Anatomy Conference (PRWAC) 2009”,  3-5 August 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
xviii.     “Resource Person” (Malaysia) to “Regional Dialogue on Promoting Trade in Legally Harvested Forest Products”, 2 September 2009, Jakarta, Indonesia. 
xix.      “Resource Person”  (Malaysia) to the ”International Symposium on Forest Genetic Resources (FGR)”, 5 – 8 October 2009, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 
xx.       Member of Malaysian Delegation to “Senior Officials Meeting and Ministerial Level Meeting of Forest Eleven (F-11)”, 12-13 October, 2010 Jakarta, Indonesia. 
xxi.   Member of Malaysian Delegation to Senior Official Meeting – ASEAN  Minister for Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry (SOM-AMAF) Meeting(2009, 2010, 2011). 
xxii.       Member of Malaysian Delegation/Alternate Head of Malaysian Delegation to ASEAN Senior Officers for Forestry (ASOF) Meeting (2009, 2010, 2011). 
xxiii.   Co-Chairman of the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management(RFM) under the ITTC (2011).
xxiv. Chairman of the Committee on Reforestation and Forest Management(RFM) under the ITTC (2012). 
xxv.  Member of the Board Director of Malaysian Forest Research Development Board (MFRDB) (1 October 2011 – 30 September 2013). 
xxvi.  Member of the Board Director of Malaysian Timber Industry Board (MTIB) (16 October 2011 – 14 Mac 2013). 
xxvii. Member of the Board Director of Malaysian Timber Council (MTC)(1 January 2012 – 31 December 2013). 
xxviii.   Member of the Board Director of the “Racun Makhluk Perosak”, Malaysia.
 xxix. Member of the Board of Trustee of  Pulau Banding Foundation, Malaysia. 
xxx.  Member of the Board Director  “Yayasan Perlindungan Hidupan Liar Malaysia. 
xxxi.    Chairman of the Working Committee on Raw Material under the National Timber Industrial Policy (NATIP) 2009-2020, Malaysia. 
xxxii.   Chairman of the APEC Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade (EGILAT) (2012-2013). 
xxxiii.   Adjunct Professor at the University Malaysia Terengganu (UMT)(2012-2013).

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