Saturday, March 2, 2013

MCMC to monitor, control use of social media in GE13 to prevent abuse

The Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is looking into suitable methods to monitor and control the use of social media in the 13th general election.

Deputy Information Communications and Culture Minister Datuk Maglin Dennis D’Cruz said this was to ensure that the social media would not be abused by irresponsible quarters to achieve their own political agenda.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the GE13 would be the first ‘social media election’ in the country where internet would be widely used as a campaign tool.

The MCMC will monitor all users of social media, regardless of their political beliefs, to ensure peace and smooth running of the GE13, Maglin said after opening the ‘Know Your Neighbours’ programme organised by Penang Information Department at Taman Bagan flats today.

The deputy minister said the monitoring of the social media was vital as certain quarters were only good at making baseless allegations and spreading lies to gain political mileage, adding that he himself had once fallen victim to such lies and accusations.

Maglin said the culture of making baseless allegations and distorting facts among politicians was indeed unhealthy and would only confuse the public, especially the young generation.

“They should not be so selfish and lie just for the sake of gaining political mileage because what matters most in politics was to ensure that the people will live in peace and harmony.

“Therefore, the public, especially the young voters should be wise enough to do their parts in selecting the right government with vast experience in managing the country, so that their future will be secured.

“Don’t believe the lies and accusations made by those whose aim is only to create disharmony among the people,” he added.


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