Friday, May 3, 2013

Pulau Perhentian - exotic beautiful islands pictures

Pulau Perhentian lies approximately 19 km off the north eastern coast of West Malaysia in the state of Terengganu. Its 60 km from Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Kota Bharu, Kelantan, is one of the most beautiful Islands in the world. The beautiful sunny islands with exotic beaches, is an ideal vacation place. 

However, two nautical miles from the shore of the islands at the lowest tide is gazette as Marine Park which is established to protect and conserve various habitats and marine life.  There are laws governing operations and activities in Marine Park. Under Fisheries Act 1985, all activities destroy and damage Coral reefs and marine ecosystem are prohibited and are an offence under the law.

The Marine Parks Department levies a conservation charge on visitors, RM5 for adults and RM2 for children and any person of age 56 years and above under fees order (Marine parks Malaysia 2003). 

The amazing pictures are as follows:

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