Friday, July 12, 2013

Forest resources - management and development

In managing and developing forest resources to enable a favorable business climate for inclusive forest sector growth, the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia headquarters is responsible for:

i.  formulating policies and providing advice and technical assistance to the State Forestry Departments in forest management and development
ii.   forestry sector planning and related industries
iii. forest operational studies, training, human resource development, and maintenance of experimental and demonstration stations

Article 74 (2) of the Federal Constitution, however, has stated that land and natural resources are matters under the jurisdiction of the respective state governments, the states are empowered to enact laws and policies on forestry independently.

The responsibility of the State Forestry Department thus is as follows:
i. administration and regulation of forest harvesting
ii.   forest revenue collection
iii. management and development of the forest resources
iv.planning and coordinating the development of the forest-based industries in the State

However, in accordance with the requirement of the National Forestry Act 1984, the State Forestry Departments are expected to submit annual reports to both the State Authority as well as the Forestry Department Peninsular Malaysia headquarters.

In this context and in line with the policy, although the issuance of removal license is under the State Authority and the Forestry Department Headquarters is not directly involved. 

However, the Director General of Forestry exercises a degree of supervision with respect to forest sector planning and management over the State Forestry Departments, including annual management audits for quality assurance.

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