Saturday, May 31, 2014

Miri – the dynamic new capital city

A city with population of about 360,000, Miri is the second largest city in Sarawak; it is the dynamic oil town and has the potential to be Sarawak’s new capital city.

It’s fast becoming the ideal urban Centre should it continues along its path of balanced development which will overtake Kuching in every aspect in the near future.

"The way Miri city is developing, I think it will soon be the new capital of Sarawak!" said state Chief Minister Tan Sri Adenan Satem on Sunday May 18, 2014.

Miri created history by being the first non-capital city in the country to be accorded city status on May 20, 2005. It's a multi-racial city consisting of Iban, Chinese, Malay, Kedayan, Berawan, Lun Bawang, Melanau, Kayan, Kenyah, Kelabit, Penan and other indigenous groups. Many religions exist including tribal religions, Christianity, Islam, Taoism, Buddhism and Hinduism. 
Located at Canada Hill as the top tourist attraction spot, the Grand Old Lady is the first oil well drilled by Shell in 1910 and was shut down in 1972 after a productive run with an estimated 660,000 barrels of oil drawn from the oil well. The sole right of mining oil in Miri by Sarawak Shell ended at 1954 when the onshore oil fields dried out.

Miri is the gateway to Mulu National Park, Niah National Park, Loagan Bunut National Park and Miri-sibuti coral reef National Park.

Tamu Muhibbah Market is a good place for marketing freshly local produce where all the local villages buy and sell here. The local produce including jungle produces, jungle ferns, wild animals, and fresh water prawns, fishes, spring chicken and handicrafts.

                                                                     Miri City


                                                                                    Miri View

                                                                     Miri Morning

Commercial Centre
                                                                           Beautiful View

                                                              Miri Resident Office

                                                              Miri Resident Office

                                                                   Commercial Centre

                       Miri Chinese Chamber of Commerce

                                                                      Commercial Building


 Brooke Road

                                                                    Government Offices

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