Friday, September 19, 2014

Indigenous Durian in Sarawak

The indigenous red and orange durian from the rainforest of Sarawak is unique and rather small in size which can be held by a palm. It is found scattered in mixed dipterocarp forest. The fruit is covered with long sharp spines. The red durian, better known as Durian Sukang and the orange one called Durian Dalit, both are categorized as wild durian.

The wild durian of Sarawak is the King of fruits, although the flesh is thin and the taste is bland but their scent is strong and distinctive. 

Comparatively, the red flesh durian is almost creamy in consistency with an invigorating taste reminiscent of the orange durian, yet the taste and flavor is twice as strong as the orange one with its own characteristic unique flavor aroma. 

The red is more expensive and a bundle of 5 was sold as high as RM 45 in Limbang road side market.

                                                                             Red Durian

                                                                             Orange Durian

Orange Durian

                                                                          Orange Durian

                                                                           Bundle of Durian

                                                                           Bundle of Durian

                                                                        Good Harvest in Niah

                                                                       Limbang Market

                                                                              Limbang Market

                                                                 Limbang Road Side Market

                                                                 Limbang Road side market