Sunday, March 18, 2018

Mahathir struggles to win power

Politic is an art of impossible is proven by Mahathir once again. Mahathir joked that in the worst-case scenario, in the event Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) is deregistered, he is even willing to contest as a DAP candidate.

Mahathir made such a statement following ROS announced on 9 March that it has given Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (PPBM) 30 days to respond to its queries and present the necessary documents or face deregistration. 

Having made such a strong political statement, Mahathir demonstrated that politic is an art of impossible is impossible to deny.

Ironically, the allegations of racism and Chinese chauvinist DAP political party by the mainstream media caused many have a deep fear of the party especially the Malay establishment. Undeniably, most of the Malay establishment view Chinese chauvinists would destroy Malay supremacy and Islam supremacy should they in power to form the government. Thus, Chinese-based DAP was the main victim under Mahathir authoritarian regime.

All the while, especially during Mahathir’s tenure, painting the DAP as the bogeyman for the Malay is the ultimate political strategy to kill DAP and get support by the ruling regime. 

From their point of view, the propagation of race-based narrative as UMNO is the only one to protect Malay’s right which preventing the Chinese from controlling the country in addition to safe the Malay from suffering like the fate of the Palestinians. This is the only effective strategy for the continue survival of the party based upon the construction and perpetuation of the Chinese-based party DAP.

Falling into racial and ethnic political allegation, Mahathir has personally claimed responsibility for demonizing DAP as an Chinese chauvinist party. When he was in power, under his strong arm tactics and strategy, Lim Kit Siang and his son, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng were held under the ISA “Operasi Lalang”, a massive crackdown in 1987, yet they have now accepted him as the opposition leader.

In power for 22 years, Mahathir became the Malaysian longest serving prime minister. While in office, he jailed several opposition leaders. He said the mass-arrest and detention of opposition including Lim Kit Siang and his son Lim Guan Eng in 1987 happened was based on the recommendation of the police.

However, some political analysts say that in current political situation, any decision taken could have a great political impact for the future. Even the multi-billion- ringgit 1MDB corruption allegation was not effective enough to remove Najib, thus Mahathir is the only person that can ousting incumbent Prime Minister Najib and the Barisan Nasional.

Some political analysts say that the widening rift between the opposition leaders contribute to the polarization of Malaysia and will have difficulty dealing with the public dissatisfaction with government performance and it doesn’t necessary translate into perceptions that opposition parties could do a better job, thus overthrow the existing government.

Mahathir knew pretty well that only opposition alliance would have the best chance of winning over the coming 14th general election. Without any hesitation, Mahathir joined the opposition and formed a new political party “Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malayssia (PPBM) together with Muhyiddin, a former deputy prime minister and former UMNO deputy president.

Most political analysts and opposition supporters can stand their ground diplomatically without damaging the relationship by saying Mahathir is the only person who can shake the BN by winning the significant portion of Malay votes to win over the next general election. He can penetrate and sway or uproot the rural Malay support base which own by UMNO and PAS.

More often than not, currently the political strategy of UMNO is tailoring its strategy to attract the attention of the Malay rural voters by religious and race issues.

Confidence in the political opposition may have grown strongly to win over the coming general election; Lim Kit Siang expressed willingness to work with Mahathir to save Malaysia from becoming a failed state which is entirely man-made catastrophe. However, the barriers against the opposition winning are plenty.

The question remains: Under the current political scenario, can Mahathir lead the opposition to win the coming general election?

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