Monday, June 24, 2013

Chinese government access 80% of World’s Communications by “electronic backdoor”

Information as weapon is essential to win the modern warfare and world domination seem to be proven by the track record of U.S. and now by the Chinese government.

"Chinese capabilities in computer network operations and Cyber Espionage has advanced sufficiently to pose a genuine risk to U.S. military operations in the event of a conflict."

"The electronic intrusions by the Chinese are done remotely through the use of the commercial networks set up by Huawei and ZTE that they have established in numerous countries."

“The Chinese government and its People’s Liberation Army are acquiring the access through two Chinese companies, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd and ZTE Corporation,”telecommunications experts said.

Sources point out that the Chinese make use of telecommunications equipment from Huawei and ZTE very attractive by offering subsidized deals through Chinese banks at non-commercial terms with which Western companies cannot compete.

The source referred to Huawei’s ability through its DPI technology for “data mirroring,” was just “plain old interception.”

"The Chinese government has “pervasive access” to some 80 percent of the world’s communications, giving it the ability to undertake remote industrial espionage and even sabotage electronically of critical infrastructures in the United States and in other industrialized countries," writes Maloof, Former senior security policy analyst in the Office of the Secretary of Defense for Pentagon.

With this access, the sources say, the Chinese are working on the other 20 percent. The two companies give the Chinese remote electronic “backdoor” access through the equipment they have installed in telecommunications networks in 140 countries. The Chinese companies service 45 of the world’s 50 largest telecom operators.

He goes further to say the Chinese are working to access the remaining 20 percent. Individuals and companies who communicate over their “virtual private networks” or VPNs are especially susceptible. 

Sources told Maloof those networks are leaking like a “sieve” to Chinese data collectors, especially those that connect to companies based in places like Mexico.

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