Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sustainable economy - Nasa: Malaysia sees 115% jump in deforestation in first 3 months of 2013

In development a sustainable economy, environment, development and sustainability are the controversial issues. Although more emphasis and responsibility are the priority factors but due to the complex interactions between development and environment, the environmental impacts of socio-economic development seemed to be bothering some.

The experience of developing countries clearly showed that natural resources have historically been exploited for growing economies. Many of the developed countries had long ago been through the path of utilizing natural resources to develop the economy. 

The successes of the developed nations in quest to build the economies had shown the failures of conserving their natural heritage. The new emerging economies are just repeating the path of the developed economy.

To seek ways and means for achieving sustainability to create win-win situation in all human activities aimed at such development should be by far the ultimate aim and basic principle. Positive actions and measures to solve the problem should therefore be taken to address the long arising issue.

It was reported that Malaysia saw a 115% increase in deforestation during the first three months of 2013, according to a forest tracking tool developed by National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Nasa) researchers.

Malaysia's figure was the highest among five countries where deforestation was detected, followed by Nepal (114%), Mexico (92%), Argentina (72%), and Madagascar (51%).

Nasa's Quarterly Indicator of Cover Change, a satellite-based tool that underpins environment watchdog's Global Forest Disturbance Alert System, noted the jump earlier this month.

Christopher Potter, a senior research scientist at the Nasa Ames Research Center, told the environment watchdog that Malaysia has a deforestation hotspot on the western coastal area of Perak.

"Many areas in Sarawak have been detected with forest cover change over the past two years," Potter said.

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