Hee Yit Fong, 46, the deputy state assembly speaker and a DAP assemblyperson is the king maker of new Perak government.
Hee appeared with Datuk Seri Najib Razak
Undeniably, Hee Yit Fong is the king maker of new Perak government. She was the first disabled woman to become the deputy speaker of a Malaysian legislative body. She carries a limp from a case of polio which contracted at the age of 4.
In the 2008 General Election she won the Jelapang State seat of 26,157 voters with a 6,707 majority. She has not been on good terms with DAP state leaders, in particular the Ngeh-Nga cousins - Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham and secretary Nga Kor Ming. She demanded for an EXCO post earlier and now a new Cambry but was not entertained. Everyone got a new Camry except her, so she sulked and left the party.
Hee Yit Foong- the king maker
It is interesting to learn the effective political strategies being used by her to fool Pakatan Rakyat especially DAP before bring down the nascent PAS, DAP and PKR joint state government.
Almost a week after Chinese New Year, Hee Yit Foong was "disappeared" for over 12 hours, leaving DAP leaders sweating and desperately trying to locate her.
She coolly emerged, only to slam DAP Secretary-general Lim Guan Eng for threatening to vacate her seat and force a by-election. She demanded an apology from Lim Guan Eng for saying that party representative in the state who are incommunicado for more than 24 hours without reason will find their seats vacated.
She told a press conference at her house that night she is disappointed with the warning by Guan Eng, made when two PKR state assemblypersons were said to have gone ‘missing’ over the weekend.
Lim Guan Eng
While Guan Eng may have been making a pre-emptive strike, it has not gone down well with Hee who herself was deemed to have ‘disappeared’ briefly next day, thereby adding to speculation that she too would cross over to Barisan Nasional.
“I don’t understand how he views the state’s representatives. The statement is unfair to me. Usually problems within the party will be solved among members, not through a public statement,” said Hee.
Hee explained that she had been in her house in Ipoh for most of the day before, only leaving the premises from 3 to 6pm. She had switched off her hand phone because she was “not feeling well”, which was also the reason why she failed to attend the meeting called by MB Mohammad Nizar.
“I live here in Ipoh, but no one from the party came to look for me (at my house). They could have contacted my husband, but no one did. I thought everything was in order,” said Hee.
Hee said she only found out what was going on when she found reporters at her door, upon returning in the evening.
"He (Guan Eng) should have some confidence in me," Hee said at a midnight press conference at her home.
The questions remain: What should be the bottom line of confidence in politics and can those who seek power be trusted?
The resignation letters
Hee, later appeared with Datuk Seri Najib Razak who announced BN's offer to form the state government. By and large, BN is claimed to be the best choice for the politicians in opposition and Perakians as it has a good track record.
Hee appeared with Datuk Seri Najib Razak
BN cares about the needs of the people and has achieved much success in administering the country especially in promoting peace, prosperity and harmony among all Malaysians.

Undeniably, Hee Yit Fong is the king maker of new Perak government. She was the first disabled woman to become the deputy speaker of a Malaysian legislative body. She carries a limp from a case of polio which contracted at the age of 4.
In the 2008 General Election she won the Jelapang State seat of 26,157 voters with a 6,707 majority. She has not been on good terms with DAP state leaders, in particular the Ngeh-Nga cousins - Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham and secretary Nga Kor Ming. She demanded for an EXCO post earlier and now a new Cambry but was not entertained. Everyone got a new Camry except her, so she sulked and left the party.

It is interesting to learn the effective political strategies being used by her to fool Pakatan Rakyat especially DAP before bring down the nascent PAS, DAP and PKR joint state government.
Almost a week after Chinese New Year, Hee Yit Foong was "disappeared" for over 12 hours, leaving DAP leaders sweating and desperately trying to locate her.
She coolly emerged, only to slam DAP Secretary-general Lim Guan Eng for threatening to vacate her seat and force a by-election. She demanded an apology from Lim Guan Eng for saying that party representative in the state who are incommunicado for more than 24 hours without reason will find their seats vacated.
She told a press conference at her house that night she is disappointed with the warning by Guan Eng, made when two PKR state assemblypersons were said to have gone ‘missing’ over the weekend.

While Guan Eng may have been making a pre-emptive strike, it has not gone down well with Hee who herself was deemed to have ‘disappeared’ briefly next day, thereby adding to speculation that she too would cross over to Barisan Nasional.
“I don’t understand how he views the state’s representatives. The statement is unfair to me. Usually problems within the party will be solved among members, not through a public statement,” said Hee.
Hee explained that she had been in her house in Ipoh for most of the day before, only leaving the premises from 3 to 6pm. She had switched off her hand phone because she was “not feeling well”, which was also the reason why she failed to attend the meeting called by MB Mohammad Nizar.
“I live here in Ipoh, but no one from the party came to look for me (at my house). They could have contacted my husband, but no one did. I thought everything was in order,” said Hee.
Hee said she only found out what was going on when she found reporters at her door, upon returning in the evening.
"He (Guan Eng) should have some confidence in me," Hee said at a midnight press conference at her home.
The questions remain: What should be the bottom line of confidence in politics and can those who seek power be trusted?

Hee, later appeared with Datuk Seri Najib Razak who announced BN's offer to form the state government. By and large, BN is claimed to be the best choice for the politicians in opposition and Perakians as it has a good track record.

BN cares about the needs of the people and has achieved much success in administering the country especially in promoting peace, prosperity and harmony among all Malaysians.
Hee masturbates by rubbing herself with a fistful of ringgit every night. With her cekodok basi looks, money is now the only thing that she can make love with, as she has announced. And she claims it wasn’t pepper spray – she had accidentally taken out her personal lubricant. That is why… next time, people, make sure you vote in a properly educated person as MP. Pakatan also another one… this muka-puki.berkedut cinapeckersaurus washerwoman vegetable seller type, noodle stall chap faan helper cum coffee shop drinks mixer, jamban jaga, or pasar malam underwear seller fatty-samfoo karang guni old newspaper also can become MP. For goodness sake, next time, look at their education level lah!
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